понедельник, 2 сентября 2013 г.

NOC. Первые шаги. Пытаемся настроить.

NOC мы уже кое как установили... переходим к настройке.

Для того что бы сделать первый шаг попытаемся получить конфиг с маршрутизатора cisco 2921.


Вводим логин admin пароль admin.

Переходим во вкладку Service Activation - Managet Objects.
Нажимаем "Добавить объект".
Заполняем поля, нажимаем кнопку "Сохранить".
В столбце Actions выбираем Scripts, дале выбираем например get_version получаем:

пятница, 23 августа 2013 г.

Описание структуры NOC.

Пока что копипаст из мануала:
  • Managed Object - A piece of equipment or service, operated by Service Activation
  • Profile - A representations of equipment class containing equipment capabilities and behavior specifics. (See Device Support for a list of profiles)
  • Access scheme - Transport application protocol used to access equipment (Telnet, SSH, HTTP)
  • SAE - Service Activation Engine. A hearth of sa module. Separated process responsible for dispatching tasks between activators.
  • Activator - Separate processes responsible for mediation with equipment.
  • Network Domain - Logically, Physically or Administratively separated part of network.
    Examples: VRF, LAN behind NAT, city’s part of network, etc. Direct communication between Network Domains is not necessary.
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Top level overview of SA architecture in a chart.

Roles of the participants:
  • SAE - dispatches tasks between activators, maintains common connectivity and initiates periodic tasks
  • Activators - Connects to SAE on startup, passes authentication phase, accepts RPC messages from SAE, mediates with equipment using different ''access schemes'' (ssh, telnet, http, etc), collects SNMP Traps and syslog messages from Equipment and passes them to SAE
  • Activator pools - Group of one or more activators serving same set of equipment
  • Equipment - Managed Equipment. Equipment Specifics stored into ''profile''. Central profile repository stored at SAE and distributed to activators during self-update processes.
Strict separation between SAE and Activators has several benefits:
  • Activators can be placed as close to equipment as possible:
  • SAE and Activator uses bulk data exchange. All commands packed together to reduce delay impact and maximize throughoutput. Though interactive protocols like telnet and ssh use short packets for communications all communications between SAE and Activator remains bulk. Data exchanged only when ready. Data chunks from several transactions are merged together into single packet when possible. Increased performance and stability on long links with high delay (think about satellite), high packet loss (WiFi and Radio) or low bandwidth (up to GPRS modem) immediately follow.
  • SAE RPC protocol uses compression. All messages compressed before transmission which greatly reduce requirements to bandwidth and delays (Up to x4 on common equipment configuration fetching)
  • SAE RPC protocol supports SSH-like encryption which greatly improve security even when using unencrypted protocols like telnet, http, snmp or syslog.
  • Different activator can be maintained by different administrative departments, follow organizational structure, while remain centralized service
  • Load offloaded from SAE to Activators. Scalability can be accepted by increasing number of activators
  • Activator pools allows to share load between activators
  • Activators can remain in physically or logically separated parts of network:
  • SAE RPC interface uses TCP as transport. Connection initialized by Activator. So the protocol is transparent to NAT and firewalls. Activator could remain behind NAT still retaining operational state.
  • Activator and SAE could be placed in different VRFs. Only one route per VRF must be leaked to maintain connectivity. This allows centralized management over several management VRFs. CPEs in MPLS L3VPN can be managed as well

Введение. Полезная Информация.

NOC - система мониторинга сетевых устройств, таких как коммутаторы, маршрутизаторы и проч., причем в NOC введен специальный уровень абстракции позволяющий управлять оборудованием разных вендоров. Как? Да я сам еще не понял....

  1. Сайт проекта
  2. Скачать последнюю версию.
  3. Установка
  4. Инструкция по установке на Ubuntu.
  5. Форум
  6. Канал #nocproject.org на https://webchat.freenode.net/#
  7. Инструкция пользователя
  8. Статья на Хабре NOC: Комплексный подход к управлению сетью
  9. Статья на Хабре NOC: Введение в Fault Management
  10. Видео NOC: Brief Introduction into IP Address Management (IPAM) 
  11. Статья Есть такая работа - VLAN-ы прокидывать 

На сайте вся информация представлена на английском языке. Документация очень скудная.
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